Information and news from the Cunninghams kennel.


ixi is VDH annual winner 2024

ixi is VDH annual winner 2024 September 2024 ixi received the title “VDH Annual Winner” from the VDH. The title is awarded to dogs that have received at least four CACIBs in the course of a calendar year, [...]


Doppel-CACIB in Oldenburg am 02. und 03.07.2024

Our Aragon and Bibi from Kerstin successful. Our "Aragon Junior Idea Casa from Faruk" (Aragon from Charming Shadow x Penner Lodge Liz Taylor) received on both days the evaluation Excellent 1, Jug.-CAC, FCI-CACIB-Jug., Anw. Dt.J-Ch.VDH, BOB "Breeze B. [...]


28.07.2024 German Winner

Aragon and ixi at the German Winner On 28.07.2024 Aragon and ixi were presented at the German Winner and received the following ratings: Aragon received the rating Excellent 1, jug.-CAC, Dt.Jug.Ch.VDH-Anw., FCI-J-CACIB, Best Young Dog, German Junior Winner [...]


30.06.2024 With Aragon in Genk (BE)

With Aragon in Genk One day after the Cacib in Utrecht we were at the Cacib in Genk (BE) with Aragon today. Here he received the rating "excellent 1", FCI-CACIB-J and he became "best young dog" and "best [...]


29.06.2024 With Aragon in Utrecht

With Aragon in Utrecht In bright sunshine and warm temperatures we were with Aragon in Utrecht (NL) today for the De Utrecht - Outdoor Show 2024. Here he received the rating "excellent 1", FCI-CACIB-J, CAC-Res. and became best [...]


Europasieger Zuchtschau 2024

VDH-ESZS 2024 The annual European Champion Breeding Show took place in Dortmund on the weekend of May 24 to 26, 2024. ixi received on 24.5. was awarded Excellent1, CACIB, CAC, Anw.Dt.CH.VDH, Best Bitch and BOB and thus received [...]