05.04.2024 – The puppies from
Rocky & Apikai x Halloween are here!

On 05.04.2024 our Halloween became the mother of 12 babies. There were 5 males and 7 females. As this litter was a double mating, 12 samples will be sent to the Laboklin genetic laboratory in a few days’ time, where the assignment of the fathers will be determined.
The sires are Chuck Blossoming Meadow and Apikai from Red Castle.
HD-A | ED-0 | Eyes clear
Grand Champion
ÄŒMKU Champion
Czech Champion
Anniversary National Winner
Junior Club Winner
Junior Champion of CZ
15xExcellent 1
10x CAC
3x BOJ
3x BOS
9x BOB
2x BIG 5
HD: A/A | ED: A/A | Eyes: clear
World Winner 2023
Club Champion KCHH
Junior Champion CZ
Junior Champion A
BIG 1st place
BIG 2nd place
BIG 4th place
Junior BIG 2nd place
4x BOB, BOS, 4x CACIB, res.CACIB, 4x CAC, CACA
3x BOJ, 3x CAJC (CZ), Jugendbester (A)
Crufts Qualification


20.05.2024 Now that the puppies are 6 weeks old, the interior has been remodeled again. The whelping box was removed and the room area was reduced to a pure sleeping area for the time being…. with the happy result that all 12 puppies are now running outside to do their business. Not only mom Halloween from Charming Shadow and dads Rocky Blossoming Meadow and Apikai from Red Castle can be proud of their dozen puppies, but also we! Playing and romping around is of course still part of the program!
19.05.2024 – Once again “Aka Havers” and “Aunt Hilde” with Aragon and Ava, Bulldog Jeanie and Mama Halloween
17.05.2024 – The puppies are now 6 weeks old
14.05.2024 – The first contact. Today “Aka Havers” Aragon and Ava were introduced. Aka Havers is a daughter of Apikai.
13.05.2024 – Der erste Kontakt. The future home sleepers Cunninghams Antonov, Al Dente and Alte Hippe were presented today to Aragon Junior Idea Casa from Faruk and Ava from Red Castle. Al Dente is an Apikai daughter – Antonov and Alte Hippe are Rocky children. We are grateful and delighted with the reaction and behavior of Aragon and Ava.
07.05.2024 – The puppies were outside in the puppy run for the first time today, where they were able to experience and play with new impressions.
04.05.2024 – The results of the genetic tests are in. The wish and the plan have come true:
Chuck Blossoming Meadow is the father of 3 males and 4 females.
Apikai Black and Tan from Red Castle is the father of two males and 3 females.

01.05.2024.. outside for the first time in the summer temperatures
Halloweens hungrige Bande wurde heute der Napf erstmalig angeboten. Das entsprechende und typische Chaos war vorprogrammiert. Trotzdem sind wir froh und glücklich wie dieser Schritt eine Woche früher als üblich von den Kleinen angenommen wurde. In den nächsten Tagen werden immer weitere Welpen den älteren Mitgliedern des Rudels vorgestellt.
23.04.2024, the puppies on day 18
Insights into the whelping box (22.04.2024, the puppies on day 17)
12 puppies after 12 days. First single images
4 days old