Information and news from the Cunninghams kennel.


Genk LKV CAC – CACIB – 2023

Genk LKV CAC - CACIB - 2023 Judge: Marian Draganescu (Romania) Halloween got in Champion class Excellent 1, FCI-CACIB, CAC, Best Bitch and BOB In the ring of honor Halloween came on the 3rd place [...]


Expo CAC 17.06.2023 in Bonheiden (BE)

Belgian Hound Club Expo CAC 17.06.2023 in Bonheiden (BE) Judge: Malgorzata Wieremiejczyk-Wierzchowska (PL) IxI (Xtreme Kindness v.d. Mergelhoeve) received in the youth class the Excellent 1 and with it the J-CAC Halloween received in Champion Class [...]


Family reunion in Gorinchem (NL)

Family reunion in Gorinchem (NL) IxI (Xtreme Kindness v.d. Mergelhoeve) was successful at the Pinkstershow 2023 together with her brothers Moos and Elon. Ixi received Excellent 1, Best Female, J-CACIB, CAC and BOS. With this she got her [...]


CACIB in Gent – 07.05.2023

Yesterday we had a nice day with family reunion at the CACIB in Ghent. Halloween received in the champion class excellent 1, FCI-CACIB, CAC, Best Bitch, BOS as well as the Crufts Qualification. Ixi (Xtreme Kindness [...]


CACIB Lingen – 22.04.2023

CACIB Lingen - 22.04.2023. Judge: Jan Coppens (NL) Halloween received in the open class Excellent 1, FCI-CACIB, CAC, Anw. Dt.Ch.VDH, BOB. ixi (Xtreme Kindness v.d. Mergelhoeve) received with 9 months in the youth class Excellent 2, Res.-Anw. Dt.Jug.Ch. [...]


CACIB Luxembourg 01./02.04.2023

"Little Ava big time!" At the International Dog Shows in Luxembourg on 01./02.04.2023 received Ava from Red Castle on the first day of the show in junior class got "Excellent 1, Champion Jeunes, CACIB Junior and Best Junior [...]